🧑🏼🎓 С 2014 г. с нами поступило больше 1000 студентов!
Здесь мы поделимся с вами лучшими кейсами Abroadz, но мы ценим и любим каждого нашего студента!💙
Здесь мы поделимся с вами лучшими кейсами Abroadz, но мы ценим и любим каждого нашего студента!💙
🎓 Степень: магистратура
🧭 Направление: Weissman School of Arts and Sciences
📅 Год поступления: 2023
💰 Стипендия: Austin Marxe Scholarship
🎓 Степень: магистратура
🧭 Направление: department of Linguistics
📅 Год поступления: 2023
💰 Условия: покрытие 60% от стоимости обучения
🎓 Степень: магистратура
🧭 Направление: M1 General Physics programme
📅 Год поступления: 2023
💰 Стипендия: Marie Curie Scholarship
🎓 Степень: магистратура
🧭 Направление: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science
📅 Год поступления: 2022
💰 Стипендия: Стипендия Hill foundation
🎓 Степень: магистратура
🧭 Направление: Master in International Governance and Diplomacy
📅 Год поступления: 2021
💰 Стипендия: Émile Boutmy Scholarship
🎓 Степень: бакалавриат
🧭 Направление: The Norm Brodsky College of Business
📅 Год поступления: 2023
💷 Условия: Rider University presidential scholarship
Наша команда уже 10 лет помогает поступать в зарубежные вузы на foundation, бакалавриат, магистратуру и PhD. Приходите на консультацию, чтобы начать свой путь поступления с нами.
🎓 Степень: магистратура
🧭 Направление: Departement of production
📅 Год поступления: 2019
💰 Условия: Стипендия €8 000
🎓 Степень: бакалавриат
🧭 Направление: Commerce and Management
📅 Год поступления: 2023
💰 Условия: покрытие стоимости обучения в размере 20%
🎓 Степень: магистратура
🧭 Направление: Environmental Engineering Science
📅 Год поступления: 2023
💰 Условия: покрытие стоимости учебы в размере 35%
🎓 Степень: бакалавриат
🧭 Направление: Early assurance programm
📅 Год поступления: 2023
💰 Условия: частичное покрытие стоимости (30%)
Если у студента есть хоть один шанс на получение стипендии или скидки на оплату учебы, мы обязательно этим шансом воспользуемся, и часто студенты со средними показателями без выдающихся академических достижений получают возможность не только учиться бесплатно, но и покрыть другие расходы.
42 стипендиата
2 стипендиата
2 стипендиата
24 стипендиата
73 стипендиата
Мы решили пойти еще дальше и создали таблицу с перечнем программ, на которые поступили наши студенты. Это, конечно, не исчерпывающий список, но мы его регулярно обновляем, так что сохраняйте страничку, если вам нравится следить за нашими успехами. Или сразу пишите нашему менеджеру, если вы хотите стать нашей следующей историей успеха!
Название университета | Страна | Степень | Специальность |
University of British Columbia | Canada | Bachelor |
International Economics
McGill University | Canada | Bachelor |
Investment Management
Simon Fraser University | Canada | Bachelor |
Interactive Arts and Technology
Western University | Canada | Master |
Mechanical and Materials Engineering
University of Toronto | Canada | Bachelor |
Computer Science
University of Alberta | Canada | Master |
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
University of Montreal | Canada | Master |
Industrial Relations
McMaster University | Canada | Bachelor | Social sciences |
University of British Columbia | Canada | Bachelor |
Manufacturing engineering
University of Calgary | Canada | Bachelor | Mathematics |
University of Toronto | Canada | Master |
Aerospace Science and Engineering
Queen’s University at Kingston | Canada | Bachelor | Drama |
McGill University | Canada | Master |
Aerospace Engineering
University of Ottawa | Canada | Bachelor |
Health Care Management
University of Alberta | Canada | Bachelor | Accounting |
University of British Columbia | Canada | Bachelor | Sociology |
University of Waterloo | Canada | Bachelor |
Information Technology Management
Dalhousie University | Canada | Master |
Clinical Vision Science
University of Waterloo | Canada | Master |
Systems Design Engineering
University of Toronto | Canada | Bachelor |
Information Security
University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Business Analytics
Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Mechanical Engineering
Utrecht University | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences
Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Civil Engineering
Leiden University | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Business Analytics
Tilburg University | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation
Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Master |
Quantum Information Science & Technology
Maastricht University | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Econometrics & Operations Research
Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | Master |
Arts, Culture and Society
University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Master |
International Criminal Law
University of Groningen | Netherlands | Bachelor |
International Business
Wageningen University | Netherlands | Master |
Governance of Sustainability Transformations
Radboud University | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Free University Amsterdam | Netherlands | Master |
Philosophy of Law and Governance
University of Twente | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Industrial Design Engineering
University of Manchester | United Kingdom | Bachelor |
Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology
Imperial College London | United Kingdom | Bachelor |
Computing (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)
University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Master |
Banking Innovation and Risk Analytics
University of Birmingham | United Kingdom | Master |
Public Management and Leadership
London School of Economics and Political Science | United Kingdom | Bachelor |
Politics and Economics
University of Exeter | United Kingdom | Bachelor |
International Relations
University College London | United Kingdom | Bachelor |
Creative Arts and Humanities
University of Glasgow | United Kingdom | Master |
English literature
The University of Sheffield | United Kingdom | Bachelor |
Music and Modern Languages & Cultures
King’s College London | United Kingdom | Bachelor |
Politics, Philosophy & Law LLB
University of Liverpool | United Kingdom | Bachelor |
Physics and Mathematics
University of Cambridge | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Law |
University of Southampton | United Kingdom | Bachelor |
Education and Psychology
University of Manchester | United Kingdom | Bachelor |
Earth and Planetary Sciences
University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Architecture |
University of Oxford | United Kingdom | Bachelor |
Classics and English
Royal Academy of Dramatiс Art | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Acting |
University of Southampton | United Kingdom | Master |
Luxury Brand Management
London School of Economics and Political Science | United Kingdom | Master |
Human Resources and Organizations
University College London | United Kingdom | Master | Ancient History |
University of Leeds | United Kingdom | Bachelor |
Criminal Justice and Criminal Law
University of Oxford | United Kingdom | Bachelor |
Mathematics and Computer Science
The University of Warwick | United Kingdom | Master |
Visual and Material Culture of Ancient Greece
University of Cambridge | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Economics |
University of Nottingham | United Kingdom | Master |
Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing
Newcastle University | United Kingdom | Master |
Accounting, Finance and Strategic Investment
Durham University | United Kingdom | Bachelor |
Anthropology and Sociology
University of Bristol | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Dentistry |
University of California, Berkeley (UCB) | United States | Bachelor | Political science |
Columbia University | United States | Bachelor | Economics |
University of Chicago | United States | Bachelor |
Comparative Literature
Washington University in St Louis | United States |
Art History and Archaeology
New York University | United States | Bachelor |
Business, Technology, and Entrepreneurship
Princeton University | United States | Bachelor |
Computer science
The American Film Institute | United States | Master | Cinematography |
Princeton University | United States | Bachelor |
Molecular Biology
University of Florida | United States | Master | Health science |
Dartmouth College | United States | Bachelor | Public Policy |
University of California, Los Angeles | United States | Bachelor |
Film and Television
Duke University | United States | Bachelor | Economics |
University of Southern California | United States | Bachelor |
Cinema and Media Studies
Cornell University | United States | Bachelor |
Computer Science
New York University | United States | Bachelor | Real Estate |
Johns Hopkins University | United States | Bachelor |
Biomedical Engineering
Yale University | United States | Bachelor |
Economics and Mathematics
Cornell University | United States | Bachelor |
Industrial and Labor Relations
California Institute of Technology (Caltech) | United States | Master |
Chemical Engineering
University of Southern California | United States | MD | Medicine |
University of Pennsylvania | United States | Bachelor | Finance |
Johns Hopkins University | United States | MD | Medicine |
Stanford University | United States | Economics | |
The Juilliard School | United States | Fine Arts | |
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor | United States | Master | Marketing |
Carnegie Mellon University | United States | Master |
Information Systems Management
Northwestern University | United States | Bachelor |
Material Science and Engineering
SDA Bocconi School of Management | Italy |
Master of Business Administration
Politecnico Di Milano | Italy | Bachelor |
Civil Engineering
Università di Padova | Italy | Bachelor |
Psychological science
Parthenope University of Naples | Italy | Bachelor |
Sustainable Food Systems
Bocconi University | Italy |
International Economics and Finance
Politecnico Di Torino | Italy | Bachelor |
Energy Engineering
University of Bologna | Italy | Bachelor | Law |
Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Foundation | |
University of Milan | Italy | Master |
Data science for economics (DSE)
Politecnico Di Milano | Italy | Bachelor |
Architectural Design
SDA Bocconi School of Management | Italy | Master |
Corporate Finance
Sapienza University of Rome | Italy |
Global Humanities
University of Milan | Italy | Master |
Data science for economics (DSE)
Politecnico Di Torino | Italy | Master | Cybersecurity |
Venice Ca’Foscari University | Italy | Master |
Digital and Public Humanities
Florence University | Italy | Master |
Design of Sustainable Tourism Systems
University of Pisa | Italy | Master |
Exploration and Applied Geophysics
Autonomous University of Barcelona | Spain | Bachelor |
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Complutense University of Madrid | Spain | Bachelor |
European Studies
University of Barcelona | Spain | Bachelor |
Biomedical Engineering
Autonomous University of Madrid | Spain | Bachelor |
Aeronautical Management
United Arab Emirates University | United Arab Emirates | Bachelor |
Finance and Banking
American University of Sharjah | United Arab Emirates | Bachelor |
International Relations
Khalifa University | United Arab Emirates | Bachelor |
Computer Science (with optional Concentrations: Artificial Intelligence or Cybersecurity)
American University of Sharjah | United Arab Emirates | Bachelor |
Construction Management
University of Vienna | Austria | Bachelor | Law |
University of Vienna | Austria | Master | Political science |
Technische Universität Wien | Austria | Master | Architecture |
University of Lisbon | Portugal | Bachelor |
Civil Engineering
University of Porto | Portugal | Bachelor |
Languages and International Relations
University of Oslo | Norway | Master |
Electronics, Informatics and Technology
University of Oslo | Norway | PhD |
Mathematics and Natural Sciences
University of Bergen | Norway | Master | Linguistics |
Lund University | Sweden | Bachelor |
International Business
KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Sweden | Bachelor |
Information and Communication Technology
University of Copenhagen | Denmark | Master |
Landscape Architecture
Technical University of Denmark | Denmark | Master |
Earth and Space Physics and Engineering
University of Auckland | New Zealand | Bachelor | Global Studies |
University of Auckland | New Zealand | Master |
Business development
Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin | Ireland | Bachelor | Global Business |
University College Dublin | Ireland | Bachelor | Physiotherapy |
Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin | Ireland | Bachelor | Law |
University of Galway | Ireland | Bachelor | Journalism |
National University of Singapore | Singapore | Bachelor |
Computer science
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) | Singapore | Bachelor |
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) | Singapore | Bachelor |
Materials Engineering
National University of Singapore | Singapore | Bachelor |
Petroleum Engineering
Peking University | China | Bachelor |
Structural Chemistry
Tsinghua University | China | Master |
Environmental Science, Engineering and Management
Zhejiang University | China | Master |
LLM in Chinese Law
Kyoto University | China | Master | Economics |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Bachelor |
Artificial Intelligence: Systems and Technologies
The University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Bachelor | Dental Surgery |
The University of Tokyo | Japan | Bachelor |
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kyoto University | Japan | Master | Chemistry |
Seoul National University | South Korea | Bachelor |
Pharmaceutical Sciences
KAIST | South Korea | Master |
Materials Science and Engineering
Institut Polytechnique de Paris | France | Master | Data Science |
Université PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres) | France | Master |
Control, Auditing, Financial Reporting
New Sorbonne University | France | Master |
Computer Science
HEC Paris | France | Master | MBA |
New Sorbonne University | France | Master |
Computer Science
Université Paris-Saclay | France | Master |
Computational Neurosciences and Neuroengineering
ESCP Business School | France | Bachelor | Management |
New Sorbonne University | France | Master |
Computer Science
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon | France | Master |
Advanced economics
HEC Paris | France | Master |
International Finance
ESCP Business School | France | MBA | |
Free University of Berlin | Germany | Master | Physics |
Technical University of Munich | Germany | Master |
Computational Science and Engineering
Technical University of Munich | Germany | Master | Data science |
Technical University of Munich | Germany | Bachelor |
Molecular Biotechnology
Heidelberg University | Germany | Master | Economics |
University of Basel | Switzerland | Bachelor |
Computational Science
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich | Switzerland | Bachelor |
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne | Switzerland | Bachelor |
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich | Switzerland | Master |
Integrated Building Systems
University of Bern | Switzerland | Bachelor | Social Sciences |
Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne | Switzerland | Bachelor | Physics |
University of Geneva | Switzerland | Master | Law |
University of Lausanne | Switzerland | Bachelor | Management |
University of Zurich | Switzerland | Bachelor |
Digital Humanities und Text Mining
Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne | Switzerland | Master | Cyber Security |
Flensburg University | Germany | Bachelor |
European Cultures and Society
Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Consultancy and Entrepreneurship
Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Bachelor |
International relations
Saxion University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Master | Management |
University of Pecs | Hungary | Bachelorof Arts |
Communication and Media Science
University of Dunaújváros | Hungary | Bachelor |
Computer Science Engineering
ISCTE Business School | University Institute of Lisbon | Portugal | Bachelor | Management |
Sapienza Università di Roma | Italy | Foundation |
Foundation course
Rome Business School, Rome | Italy | Master | International Master in Supply Chain Management and Logistics |
Geneva Business School | Spain | Bachelor |
Bachelor of International Management (with a specialization in International Finance)
Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Food Technology
The Hague University of Applied sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Process and Food Technology
University of Pavia | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
University of Pisa | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
EPFL | Switzerland | Master |
Master degree Microtechnique
University of Pécs | Hungary | Bachelor | Psychology BA |
Debrecen University | Hungary | Bachelor |
BSc Computer Science Engineering
Shanghai International Studies University | China | Master |
Master in Global Communication
Nanjing University | China | Master |
Master in Information Resotrces Management
University of Duisburg-Essen | Germany | Master |
Master of Science in Water Science
Università di Bologna | Italy | Master |
Master in Global Change Ecology and Sustainable Development Goals
Ca’Foscari University | Italy | Foundation |
Foundation program in Architecture, Art and Design
Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands | Master |
Master in Architecture, Building and Planning
Ewha Womans Univesity | South Korea | Bachelor | BA in Sociology |
University of Twente | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering
University of Wollongong Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Bachelor |
Bachelor of Business
Lauder Business School, University of Applied Sciences | Austria | Master |
International Management and Leadership
University of Applied Sciences of the bfi Vienna | Austria | Master |
Quantitative Asset and Risk Management
Utrecht University | Netherlands | Master |
Banking and Finance
EU Business School | Germany | Master |
MBA in Global Banking & Finance
Luiss Business School Amsterdam | Netherlands | Master |
Corporate Finance
University of Dunaújváros | Hungary | Bachelor |
Computer Science Engineering
Budapest University of Technology and Economics | Hungary | Bachelor |
Computer Science Engineering
University of Debrecen | Hungary | Bachelor |
Computer Science
Universität Klagenfurt | Austria | Bachelor |
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Sapienza University of Rome | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
University of Pavia | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
Johannes Kepler University Linz | Austria | Bachelor |
Artificial Intelligence
University of Pannonia | Hungary | Bachelor |
Tourism and Catering
Budapest Business University | Hungary | Bachelor |
Tourism and Catering
Saxion University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor |
International Finance and Accounting
The Hague University | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Finance & Control (international)
Fontys University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Finance & Control — International Finance & Control
Sapienza University of Rome | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
University of Pisa | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
University of Pavia | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
Rome University of Fine Arts (RUFA) | Italy | Bachelor | Graphic Design |
Marangoni Institute | Italy | Bachelor | Visual Design |
Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano (NABA) | Italy | Bachelor |
Graphic Design and Art Direction
European Institute of Design (IED) | Italy | Bachelor | Graphic design |
University of Reading | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Architecture |
University College London (UCL) | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Architecture |
University of Kent | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Architecture |
University of Westminster | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Architecture |
University of the Arts London | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Architecture |
British University in Dubai (BuiD) | United Arab Emirates | Bachelor |
Business Management
Wollongong University Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Bachelor |
Business Management
Canadian University in Dubai (CUD) | United Arab Emirates | Bachelor |
Sports Management
American University in Dubai (AUD) | United Arab Emirates | Bachelor |
Business Administration
Polytechnic University of Turin | Italy | Master |
Data science and engineering
Saxion University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Master |
Software Engineering
Gisma University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Master |
Computer Science
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics | China | Bachelor | Finance |
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University | China | Bachelor |
Economics and Finance
University of Pavia | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
University of Pisa | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
Sapienza University of Rome | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
Royal Academy of Art | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Interior Architecture & Furniture Design
European Institute of Design (IED) | Italy | Bachelor | Interior Design |
NABA – New Academy of Fine Arts | Italy | Bachelor | Interior Design |
Raffles Istituto Moda e Design | Italy | Bachelor | Interior Design |
Marangoni Institute | Italy | Bachelor | Interior Design |
Radboud University | Netherlands | Master |
Cyber Security and AI
Semmelweis University | Hungary | Master | Dentistry |
University of Szeged | Hungary | Doctorate | Dental Medicine |
Arden University | United Kingdom | Bachelor |
Business Management (Tourism)
Swiss School of Management | Italy | Bachelor |
Business Administration
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore | Italy | Bachelor |
Economics and Management
LUISS Guido Carli | Italy | Bachelor |
Economics and Business
John Cabot University | Italy | Bachelor |
Business Administration
City, University of London | United Kingdom |
Foundation / A-level / IB
Queen’s University Belfast | United Kingdom |
Foundation / A-level / IB
University of Newcastle upon Tyne | United Kingdom |
Foundation / A-level / IB
University of Exeter | United Kingdom |
Foundation / A-level / IB
Maastricht University | Netherlands |
Foundation / A-level / IB
Rotterdam Business School | Netherlands | Master |
Consultancy and Entrepreneurship
Geneva Business School | Switzerland | Master |
Geneva Business School
Rome Business School, Rome | Italy | Master |
International Management
Rome Business School, Rome | Italy | Master |
International Management
LUISS Guido Carli | Italy | Master |
Economics and Finance
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore | Italy | Master | Economics |
EU Business School | Spain | Master | Marketing |
University of Turin | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
BBW University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Master |
Integrative Management of Creative Industries
IESA — School of Arts and Culture | France | Master |
Performing Arts Management and Entertainment
Paris School of Business (PSB) | France | Master |
Arts and Cultural Management
SRH Hochschule Berlin | Germany | Master |
Film, Television and Digital Narratives
NABA – New Academy of Fine Arts | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
IED Istituto Europeo di Design | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
Marangoni Institute | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
LUISS Guido Carli | Italy | Bachelor |
Management and Artificial Intelligence
Bocconi University | Italy | Bachelor |
Economics, Management and Computer Science
NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Information Technology
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary | Hungary | Master | English Studies |
University of Pannonia | Hungary | Master |
Applied Linguistics
University of Wisconsin-Madison | United States | Bachelor |
Computer Science
Geneva Business School | Switzerland | Bachelor |
International Management
Bocconi University | Italy | Bachelor |
International Economics and Management
LUISS Guido Carli | Italy | Bachelor |
Economics and Business
University of Nottingham | China |
Foundation / A-level / IB
Gisma University | Germany | Bachelor |
Data Science, AI, and Digital Business
Vienna University of Economics and Business | Austria | Bachelor |
Business and Economics
Johannes Kepler University Linz | Austria | Bachelor |
International Business Administration
Bocconi University | Italy | Bachelor |
International Economics and Management
Geneva Business School | Switzerland | Bachelor |
International Management
LUISS Guido Carli | Italy | Bachelor |
Economics and Business
ESCP Business School | Italy | Bachelor | Management |
John Cabot University | Italy | Bachelor |
Budapest Business University | Hungary | Bachelor |
Communication and Media Studies
Europeo Di Design (IED) | Spain | Bachelor |
Fashion Marketing and Communication
Geneva Business School | Spain | Bachelor |
Digital Marketing
NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Master |
Computer Vision and Data Science
Utrecht University | Netherlands | Master |
Artificial Intelligence
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS/HvA) | Netherlands | Master |
Digital Driven Business
SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Master |
Computer Science — Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
EPITA School of Engineering and Computer Science | France | Master |
Computer engineering
Vienna University of Economics and Business | Austria | Master | Economics |
Bocconi University | Italy | Master |
Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology
MIT | United States | Master | MBA |
University of Bristol | United Kingdom | Master |
International Relations
Geneva Business School | Switzerland | Master |
International Management
Vienna University of Economics and Business | Austria | Master |
Quantitative Finance
Bocconi University | Italy | Master |
Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology
University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | Psychology |
Sigmund Freud University | Austria | Bachelor |
Psychotherapy Science
University of Applied Sciences Europe | Germany | Bachelor | Psychology |
Arizona State University | United States | Bachelor |
Computer Science
University of Maryland | United States | Bachelor |
Computer Science
Boston University | United States | Bachelor |
Computer Science
New York University | United States | Bachelor |
Computer Science
Bocconi University | Italy | Master |
Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology
University of Copenhagen | Denmark | Master | Bioinformatics |
University of Cambridge | United Kingdom | Master | Biotechnology |
University College London (UCL) | United Kingdom | Master | Biosciences |
Stanford University | United States | Master | Law |
Georgetown University | United States | Master | Law |
Duke University | United States | Master | Law |
Cornell University | United States | Master | Law |
Bocconi University | Italy | Bachelor |
International Economics and Management
Geneva business school | Switzerland | Bachelor |
International Management
LUISS Guido Carli | Italy | Bachelor |
Economics and Business
ESCP Business School | Italy | Bachelor | Management |
Swiss School of Management | Italy | Bachelor |
Business Administration
American Public University | United States | Bachelor |
Hospitality Management
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management | Germany | Bachelor |
Computational Business Analytics
Free University of Brussels | Belgium | Bachelor |
Business Economics
Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Creative Media and Game Technologies
Fontys University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Information and Communication Technology
Polytechnic University of Milan | Italy | Master | Architecture |
EADA Business School | Spain | Bachelor |
International Business
ESADE | Spain | Bachelor |
Business Administration
Geneva Business School | Spain | Bachelor |
International Managemen
IE University | Spain | Bachelor |
Business Administration
LUISS Guido Carli | Italy | Master |
Corporate Finance
Queen Mary University of London | United Kingdom | Master |
International Relations
University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Master |
International Relations
University of Pécs | Hungary | Master | English Studies |
Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Bachelor |
Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Information Technology
Inholland University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Information Technology
University of Pavia | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
University of Pisa | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
BSBI – Berlin School of Business and Innovation | Germany | Bachelor | Psychology |
SRH Hochschule Berlin | Germany | Bachelor |
Business Psychology
Swiss School of Management | Italy | Bachelor |
Business administration
EDHEC Business School | France | Master |
Corporate Finance & Banking
HEC Paris | France | Master |
International Finance
Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Master |
Interior Architecture: research and design
Vrije Universiteit Brussel Ghent University | Belgium | Bachelor |
Social Sciences (Communication Studies)
Thomas More University | Belgium | Bachelor |
International Communication and Media
Artevelde University of Applied Sciences | Belgium | Bachelor |
International Journalism
Hanze University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor |
International Communication
Marangoni Institute | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Creative Media and Game Technologies
ArtEZ University of the Arts | Netherlands | Bachelor | Graphic Design |
Royal Academy of Art | Netherlands | Bachelor | Graphic Design |
Radboud University Nijmegen | Netherlands | Master |
Artificial intelligence
SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Master |
Computer Science Cyber Security
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands | Master |
Computer Security
University of Manchester | United Kingdom | Foundation / A-level / IB |
International Foundation in Science and Engineering
Bocconi University | Italy | Bachelor |
International Economics and Management
Luiss Business School | Italy | Bachelor |
Economics and Business
Swiss School of Management | Italy | Bachelor |
Business administration
Berlin International University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Master |
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands | Master |
Business Analytics
Geneva Business School | Switzerland | Bachelor |
International Management
GBSB Global Business School | Spain | Bachelor |
Business Administration
Harbour.Space University | Spain | Bachelor |
High-Tech Entrepreneurship
Wollongong University Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Bachelor |
Bachelor of business administration
Gisma University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Bachelor |
Computer Science
Saxion University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Software Engineering
University of Debrecen | Hungary | Bachelor |
Computer Science
Eötvös Loránd University | Hungary | Венгрия |
Computer Science
Fontys University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Information Technology
Inholland University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Information Technology
Newcastle University | United Kingdom |
Foundation / A-level / IB
University of Exeter | United Kingdom |
Foundation / A-level / IB
City, University of London | United Kingdom |
Foundation / A-level / IB
Queen’s University Belfast | United Kingdom |
Foundation / A-level / IB
University of Manchester | United Kingdom |
Foundation / A-level / IB
King’s College London | United Kingdom |
Foundation / A-level / IB
Rome Business School, Rome | Italy | Master | Finance |
Royal Holloway University of London | United Kingdom | Master |
Accounting and Financial Management
Geneva Business School | Switzerland | Master |
International Finance
Emlyon Business School | France | Master | Finance |
City, University of London | United Kingdom | Master |
Corporate Finance
Audencia | France | Master |
Corporate Finance & Investment Banking
Ghent University | Belgium | Bachelor |
Social Sciences (Political Sciences)
University of Antwerp | Belgium | Bachelor |
Social-Economic Science
EBS University of Business and Law | Germany | Bachelor |
Law, Politics and Economics
Central European University | Austria | Bachelor |
Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor |
Economics and Philosophy of Economics
Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) | Netherlands | Master |
Sustainable Outdoor Hospitality Management
Linnaeus University | Sweden | Master |
Tourism and Sustainability
University of Bologna | Italy | Master |
Tourism Strategy, Cultural Heritage and Made in Italy
Modul University Vienna | Austria | Master |
International Tourism Management
Università IULM — Milan | Italy | Master |
International Tourism and Hospitality
Dover Court International School | Singapore |
Foundation / A-level / IB
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | United States | Master |
Aeronautics and Astronautics
Sapienza Università di Roma | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice | Italy |
Foundation / A-level / IB
ESSEC Business School | France | Master | Finance |
University of St.Gallen | Switzerland | Master |
Accounting and Corporate Finance
SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Master |
Computer Science — Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
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